Day 3 (30th Dec 2007)

The night is incident free – Akash has gotten more used to the toad, and we’ve moved Aditi to milk powder – Rohit figured the change in milk consistency is the cause of her puke problems. It does work, and as I said, the night is incident free. I try and I try and manage to get up perhaps 15 mins earlier than yesterday. The vultures of course are early birds, and are already full of tea and smugness.

Today is the day to go to a stream – which is about 3 kms from home. The children are very excited and hustling me over breakfast. I generously offer to baby sit Aditi so that Rohit can go out. But in the last minute, the MMs make me an irrestible offer – to watch my baby, so I could go to the stream too! Perhaps they were worried I’d sulk and grouch if I stayed home, and it was better to deal with a bawling baby than its sulky mamma. I wouldn’t have sulked. Cross my heart and hope to die. Anyway, Aditi found out that she not only had a callous mother, but also a callous father and callous brother. Certainly the outing built character – both Aditi’s and MMs’ 🙂

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